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Another In The Fire (Live) - Hillsong UNITED, inspirada na fornalha ardente


Hillsong lança videoclipe para nova música de adoração


No livro de Daniel, Sadraque, Mesaque e Abednego foram miraculosamente protegidos da fornalha ardente por Deus - e o sinal que Deus estava com eles foi um quarto homem aparecendo na fornalha também, que "é como o Filho de Deus" (Dan 3:25). 

Na noite de quinta-feira (14) de março, Hillsong United lançou um novo videoclipe para a música "Another in the Fire", que apresenta um gancho inspirado na história do forno de fogo: "Havia outro no fogo, ao meu lado".

O vídeo foi gravado ao vivo na Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference em Sydney, Austrália.




There’s a grace when the heart is under fire

Another way when the walls are closing in

And when I look at the space between

Where I used to be and this reckoning

I know I will never be alone



There was another in the fire

Standing next to me

There was another in the waters

Holding back the seas

And should I ever need reminding

Of how I’ve been set free

There is a cross that bears the burden

Where another died for me



There is another in the fire



All my debt left for dead beneath the waters

I’m no longer a slave to my sin anymore

And should I fall in the space between

What remains of me and this reckoning

Either way I won’t bow

To the things of this world

And I know I will never be alone



There is another in the fire

Standing next to me

There is another in the waters

Holding back the seas

And should I ever need reminding

What power set me free

There is a grave that holds no body

And now that power lives in me



And I can see the light in the darkness

As the darkness bows to Him

I can hear the roar in the heavens

As the space between wears thin

I can feel the ground shake beneath us

As the prison walls cave in

Nothing stands between us

Nothing stands between us



There is no other name

But the Name that is Jesus

He who was and still is

And will be through it all

So come what may in the space between

All the things unseen and this reckoning

I know I will never be alone



There’ll be another in the fire

Standing next to me

There’ll be another in the waters

Holding back the seas

And should I ever need reminding

How good You’ve been to me

I’ll count the joy come every battle

‘Cause I know that’s where You’ll be


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Fonte/Créditos: Portal Gospel Play, com informações de Charisma News


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